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Just miles from the home of the Reformation, Berlin is now one of the most atheist cities in the world. A bishop in the protestant church of Germany has said, “People have forgotten that they have forgotten God.” In this city of 3.5 million people, more than 60% are non-religious and less than 2% would identify as having a personal relationship with God. 

Tolerance is what rules now and is such a marking factor of society, that prostitution and brothels are legal. Since being legalized in 2002, it has grown into a $17.5 billion industry. In fact, the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime rates Germany as a top destination for human trafficking. This is due to the high demand, and higher demand means a need for more supply, aka more women being trafficked. Berlin alone has over 600 brothels and countless women working on the streets. 

These statistics are not okay! It's not alright that this is the status of one of the major leading cities of the world. But there is hope, through the God led work of many people, American, German, and many others, the good news has the potential to spread like wildfire, but that means YOU need to be involved too. If you want to see these statistics change, here's what you can do:

pray, support financially, advocate, come and serve! 

To learn more, visit the "Get Involved" page

About Berlin: What We Do
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